Sunday, April 24, 2005

Now is the perfect time to panic!

Okay, besides the tedium that is correcting bad song analyzations, I also have to figure out just what in hell I'm going to do with my seniors for two days. I'm looking for lesson plans that have to do with movies like "Les Miserables" or "Troy." You know what, I'm not finding anything. So now it looks like I'm going to have to watch a movie and come up with questions for it. I feel like I'm spoiling these seniors with movies but, to be honest, they simply won't do anything else. Even those of them who were interested in Night didn't really do much work. I know senioritis is where it's at but jeebus!

I want to do this music project (truncated) with them, but I know I can't do it in two days and these kids don't do real well with carry-over projects.

I can't believe the year is almost over. I have only 3 cycles left with each group of students, which is a lot and yet not enough.

Also, I got no sleep last night and am therefore exceedingly tired and totally unmotivated. The sun has also resurfaced after 2 days of going AWOL so where do I NOT want to be right now? Oh yeah, sitting inside doing lesson plans and correcting papers.

Guess it serves me for actually enjoying my vacation.

*BIG SIGH* All right, I guess it's off to work or something.


At 4/25/2005 3:53 PM, Blogger leila said...

You should have them watch LotR: fellowship and ask them RIDICULOUSLY hard trivia questions. I will help! Bwa haha!


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