Sunday, August 24, 2003

Bad writer, no donut

Boyfriend's are great, but terribly distracting when you want to do work that's not really work, like writing. Didn't get anything done, but we did finish reading Prizoner of Azkaban. Of course, it was a third go-through for me, but it was the bf's first go around. He liked it and then grabbed Goblet of Fire before he left.

So, maybe today I'll do something useful. Like, I have to put laundry away. One of the cats is very interested in anything I'm doing at the moment. She's walking all over the keyboard. Believe me, it's more coherent and poetic than anything I've been coming up with lately.

Today I actually am going to the gym. Yesterday it was too hot; just ended up going in the pool and bouncing around for who knows how many laps. Today is weights day. I hate weights. Weights really suck.

Courtesy of duskindendera's blog:

Water Goddess
Water Goddess. You like peace and serenity and are
usually content with life.

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
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