Sunday, November 09, 2003


my teeth hurt.

This is the worst part about getting a cold/sinus infection for upper teeth hurt because my sinuses are so sensitive. It's icky.

Let's SO glad I don't have to teach until Wednesday. I was very unhappy with my life on Friday and I think I really need this mini-vacation. Perhaps I'll actually get something done besides lesson plans. Strangely, however, I doubt it. I want to write, but feel like the call has come and gone. I need to be in writing classes again. If I had money, and time, I'd just sign up for random writing classes at local colleges. Maybe I should get my PhD. Do you think I make a better student than a teacher?

Oh, speaking of. One of my students was a little upset with me because when I said "pairs" I meant "two people, not three or four." So he called me "a mean teacher" because I wouldn't let he and 2 other people work together. Want to see a group full of kids turn on a classmate? Have him call the student teacher mean. Yeah, I thought there was going to be a ruckuss. But it did make me feel loved. :)


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