Saturday, October 25, 2003


While waiting to get my Depp fix in "Pirates", I am happy to watch "Sleepy Hollow." Christopher Lee is in this movie...and the guy who plays Palpatine. Just thought I'd share. In case, you know, you ever need to play six degrees of separation with Johnny Depp and, say, Carrie Fisher. Anybody who does the math gets points. I will also be writing copious amounts of lesson plans to try and make myself less stressed out this week as I am supposed to take a midterm exam on Wednesday.

Very stressfull UCONN football game today; they won though, so that was a bonus. I get to get all stressed out again tomorrow, however, because my Vikings are playing the Giants and, as such, will be on TV here.

Should let you all know--after my horrific Monday through Wednesday, I managed to round the week out on something of a positive note. My problem class is still a problem, but they seem to be (more or less) responding to the structure I'm kind of sort of providing. Helps that my co-op teacher is in the room again after his on-and-off absences due to surgery.

Boyfriend and I are getting along well; he's looking for a job, which couldn't please me more. He seems happier, I'm happier; everyone's happy. Whee.

You should be something mystical or something from
the Renaissance period. A Fairy, Elf, Knight,
princess. ALl very cool costumes.

What Should You be for Halloween?
brought to you by Quizilla


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