Saturday, January 24, 2004

Health update

Okay, I'm doing O-K with the eating business, but I find myself eating a lot of carbs because I'm afraid to eat meat/dairy/etc. 'Course, I know that isn't healthy 'cause then I lack general, however, I'm only eating meat once a day, and dairy rarely so...whee? I need to go back on the Carb-cutter pills I was taking for awhile there. Before anyone freaks out, they're just white kidney bean extract, and they actually helped.

Excercise has been o-k too, but I'm not really seeing any results. My mother says she feels less tired and stronger, although she too isn't SEEING anything (I think she looks a little slimmer though). Not me though, nope no way. Scale won't move. Arms aren't toning up. Is it possible I'm actually doing bicep curls wrong? This is always the problem I have with any weight training...I never feel it where I'm supposed to.

The Blue Lady DVD is by far the easiest, but her abdominal set isn't long enough. Once again, I don't think I'm doing them right. It always feels like my hips are getting the workout when I do lower abs, not the actual abs. And, according to mum, I wasn't sticking my ass out enough during squats, but I tried to do those deep squats last night and...ow, knee pain. Not as bad as my brother, but still.

So, there you have it.


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