Sunday, January 18, 2004

The verdict is in...

Cholesterol is still happily sitting at 244. Grr. My HDL is really low (like, really mother was using expletives to project her suprise) so that's something anyway. Of course now I'm just really confused...the literature from the doctor says "go vegetarian, eat whole grains." Well, okay, fine, but whole grains are carbohydrates, and that's the one thing almost every diet on the planet wants you to avoid. Oh yes, and exercise. Well, I AM exercising, thankyouverymuch.

It's snowing. I wanted to be good and get my school stuff today, but now I'm not so sure, what with the snow and all. We'll see if it tapers. I always have tomorrow. Go MLK Jr. Day.

Me = lazy. I have been so lazy, and really bad with my resolutions. I tried reading the past couple of days and actually fell asleep. This could be because I'm reading the unabridged "The Count of Monte Cristo," but I do like the story. And today is the end of football playoffs. My goal is to watch minimal TV between now and 3 o'clock. I'll probably work out after I've read the Sunday paper, and then I might go through my room with a back-hoe, or at least a garbage bag. I need to start gettin' all my stuff together for my portfolio, update some lessons, that sort of thing. And then on Tuesday...eep! Back to school.

Oook, Bulky, any idea where I can get a relatively small-sized gym bag?


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