Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Too pissed...can't sleep

First, a recap of my classes:

Celtic & Norse Mythology is going to be tres cool...I have to write a long-ish paper for it, but I get to pick the topic. Anyone think of anything specific I should write on? And don't say Arthur.

US History is take it or leave it. The professor isn't that fascinating, but I need the class, so I'll push through. She's picked some not-so-stellar essay topics however; glad I only have to do two.

Literary Criticism: First, this class is misnamed...the prof. teaches it as Literary Theory. I was in class for 3 1/2 hours (an hour longer than I was supposed to be) watching a 1950s Hindi movie. Besides the fact that the guy kept talking over some stuff that was just really blatant (this is a Graduate English class), he's teaching the whole first half of the class, basically, about nationalism. My fellow-TCPCG student and I were about to kill ourselves. Or him. Probably him.

So yeah...I'm looking for a new class. Or, God willing, I will discover that, due to my independent study in the summer, I'm all credit-ed up and don't need three classes. I have found a back up class on Women in 20th Century Literature...but it doesn't really tickle my fancy.

And beyond the crappy class that ran too late, I came home to discover that the entire driveway was filled with my brother's friends' cars. No place for Lady Vader to park. Now, normally, I'd just park on the lawn, but we've got about a foot of snow out there and I didn't want to subject the Blue Box to that. So I call my brother on his cell phone and ask him to have some of his buddies move their cars. He tells me to "park on the lawn, it ain't gonna happen" and hangs up on me. Bastard. I don't care if you've got a sore back.

And FINALLY...remember my noble intentions of going to the gym today? Well, me and every other student on campus. I spent more time waiting for a machine than I actually did ON the machine. Funny, but I'm more out of shape than I though (especially since I've been squatting my ass off with Mom) 'cause I could only do 15 minutes on the elliptical before I got winded and pained.

Grr, I say...Grr.


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