Monday, April 25, 2005

First day back

My cat, in her adorableness, is sitting in a large box that once contained my brand-new bedspread. (It reminds me of the children's book My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes.) This bedspread was impossible to find because, apparently, nobody likes bedspreads any more. Personally, I prefer them to comforters because they're more versitle and less...well, wintery. Anyway.

Today did not suck. Although there is some serious confusion about electives for next year with Juniors and Seniors and we're all like "WTF?" Only we can't say that, 'cause we're at work. But we think it. Often.

Oh, so my boyfriend rules. He bought me 12:01 AM tickets for Return of the Sith. And I just bought tickets to see with my mother at 5PM on the same day. I don't think this is a record, however; I think I may have seen TPM 3 times in one day. Very strange dreams as a result. I still think Anathema should take Friday off, we can do girly, pre-birthday things, and then go see RotS on Friday night together. Whee!

I didn't go to the gym because Mom & I must do some much-needed grocery shopping. Serioiusly, there's half a loaf of bread, three pieces of cheese and one celery stalk in the house. Does not make for very exciting meals.

I'm going to go put my new bedspread on my bed now. Yay!


At 4/26/2005 10:53 PM, Blogger Anathema said...

OK! Yes! Let me take the Friday before my birthday off! I like that idea!!

At 4/27/2005 12:31 PM, Blogger Tusc said...

Let me know which Friday, so I know not to worry about going in or leaving early that day.

Wait a tick.... oh, SURE.... can take a day off "like that" for anyone else, but I ask multiple times and "it's just not that easy." I see how it works. Days off, trips to Texas, Europe, staying out til 3 with folks when you make sure you're asleep by 9 when I come by, spending whole days together with folks and can't spare a solid 3 hours w/ me. Painting quite the picture, missy! =P

Well, have a good time whatever day that will be. Any chance of us getting together that evening, since it IS a Friday........?

At 4/28/2005 12:03 PM, Blogger Tusc said...

I know what you're saying. But I just don't get the logic for taking Friday off afterwards. It has nothing to do with Star Wars or going to the movie on opening night. If one goes to a midnight movie Wednesday night, then gets through a day of work on Thursday, and a regular night's sleep, what is the need for taking Friday off?

I mean, OTHER than celebrating Anagha's birthday, of course. I'm pretty jealous! A day off, AND spending the whole day together. I'd have to, like, buy a Death Star and get it signed by Lucas himself before I would rate such treatment. Must be nice!


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