Friday, April 01, 2005

I heart the Quesedilla maker

No sooner had I posted about how horrible a friend I am than my friend called me to announce that the baby had indeed arrived. Went to visit for about 20 minutes after work today (the hospital is right by the school) and saw a cute little baby.

Sophomores were positively obnoxious today and I had to remove several students from class. At this point I don't care what they (the rest of the staff) think about me because my class runs without the kids in it and there you have it.

I'm going to see "Sin City" tonight with the bf. It got 4 stars in the local newspaper, which surprised the be-jesus out of me. I am hoping good things, especially with the really wonky cast they have put together.

Oh, and I made quesedillas and I am happy. Or at least my tummy is.

Here's to the weekend!


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