Thursday, April 28, 2005

Not dead, in case you wondered

Yeah, just popping in to say that I am alive and SO glad tomorrow is Friday. I know I just had a week off, but sometimes that's worse, you know? No, most of you probably don't. Well, it is, trust me.

Anyway, there's big drama about the scheduling for next year, and I am suddenly afraid for my job again because we, apparently, have too many English teachers at my school. Yeah, guess who will be relocated or dismissed if this becomes a larger problem? Everyone picked me, yes? Good.

Oh, yesterday, funny-ness with the freshmen. I'm doing poetry with my class of all boys (their choice) and I'm following this packet that my mentor had with 33 different poems to write and one was about yourself. So I wrote one too, to show the kids it could be done. But you were supposed to start with your first name and, knowing my freshmen, I decided not to. So instead I put "Lady K" because Dendera calls me lady. My kids thought that was great. It was nice to see them pleased with me for a change because I know some of them really dislike me.

The timer--did I tell you about the timer? I've been using it all week...the kids are having mixed reactions. Most absolutely HATE the sound it makes (it kinda sounds like a phone ringing) and most are even more upset that I'm timing their activities. BUT they DO seem to be more on task. I wish I'd gotten a timer sooner...there might have been less suckage earlier in the year.

I feel guilty about not going to the gym today, but the pile of papers has not lessened. I also feel I'm compromising on a number of cases when it comes to grades for my seniors, but I also want to preserve my professional ass and don't want the administration in my classroom asking me why these kids aren't graduating, when it's painfully obvious from the grades it's because THEY DON'T DO ANY FREAKING WORK!

I'm trying not to swear as much anymore. Please yell at me if I do.

That is all.


At 4/29/2005 9:05 AM, Blogger Tusc said...

Actually, the term Lady absolutely had no regal connotation with a group of boys. You're a young, hot woman in a position of authority whom has been titled a TILF... Calling yourself Lady just played off the female in control thing and they all chose to interpret it as a sexual thing. I mean, it's a masterbation fantasy thing. Come on. Young teacher... sultry figure... wearing heels and a skirt... calls herself Lady K. Last night they were all filling in the letter K with their own definition. Lady Klimax, Lady Klismaphilia, Lady Kane, Lady Katrina Onatop... who knows. So yes, I like this whole Lady K thing, too, I think. ;)

Interesting about the removal of swearing. I heard you mention it the other night but did not realize it was a whole movement. Removing the swear words themselves is nice. Removing the "frickin" reaction is even better. Everyone loves someone who is composed and in control. Me? I stay in control until I leave work, then it takes me about 20 minutes of cursing like a sailor before I go back to normal. =P But I support this movement of yours and will do what I can (if anything) to help. The next movement can be more frequent wearing of skirts. =) ::grin::

At 5/02/2005 1:26 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Karen, really good idea about the timer. I keep thinking I need to get one for myself. Actually, I think I will... we have this really nice track along with some running trails, and it's not insanely hot here, so that's one use. Then I can use it to time my own tasks, cracking the whip at the unruly hampster running the wrong way or not at all in the treadmill of my brain...
(sleep deprived, btw, as an explanation for the weirdness of speech)


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