Sunday, April 03, 2005

What is this work you speak of?

I've got papers to correct. Lots and lots of papers, as the quarter closes either Monday or Tuesday (no one's quite clear on which). I am not so much with the looking forward to said paper correcting, as I have only been up for about an hour and would much rather be back in bed with my two cats. But as I totally blew yesterday off in favor of all things social, I am now forced to face the bitter truth of the real world.

I slept in late-ish yesterday, got up, took a shower, had some breakfast, went to the bank, got myself a Vanilla Chai Latte and then headedout to Wally-world to see the boyfriend for 10AM. Of course, when I arrived at said house, everyone was still asleep and I felt rather foolish, but no matter. I then drove to the mall-area and spent about two hours wandering around The Sport's Authority as bf tested, tried on, and otherwise browsed the store. We then had lunch, and went to Target. At Target, I purchased for myself both Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker, because as the mailed advertisment promised, they were waiting for me. I struck up a lovely conversation with some late 20-something gentlemen about my $1-off coupon, the fact that I was cool for buying the Darth Vader figure, and then would Darth Vader need a shield if, after all, he is a Dark Lord of the Sith. We decided no he would not, as this other figure would suggest, but one of my conversation companions noted that the shield would look really cool hanging from a rearview mirror. I then drove back to Wally-world, dropped off the boyfriend, and then headed to Anathema's place. [End Act I]

I arrive at said apartment and we bitch about adolescents, the parents of adolescents and questionably qualified adminstrators. We then decided to rent a movie and so headed to Blockbuster, only to discover that particular branch was "Temporarily Closed." So off we went to another branch, but before that we stopped at the new Price Chopper and, as Anathema would say, "experienced visual overload." There was, indeed, a LOT of stuff at this play, some of it tres cool. You know, if you're into grocery stores. So we pick up our things, swing by Blockbuster and head back to the apartment for dinner. (Side note--I now have a bag of Skittles with Darth Vader on them. Sweet!) At the apartment, Anathema's roommate cooked us dinner and we watched The Princess' Diaries 2. Actually quite cute. I was not as enamoured with the leading man as my viewing companion, but whatever. We then packed ourselve's up and headed to Murphy & Scarletti's in Farmington for a gathering. [End Act II]

So we get there, find Anathema's co-worker and chat it up for a little while before this band starts playing. They sound pretty good (albeit a little bass-y) so we head over to the dance floor to check it out. The band, called Hard Knoxx was an EXCELLENT cover-band. The guy could sound like ANYBODY, from Steven Tyler to Tone Loc. The crowd was almost better than the band, however, with the wannabe lesbians drawing all the men's attention, some really not-so-fly white guys and two very large women well into their 30s. Not that I have any problem with women "of a certain" age having a good time, but this one...oh my lord. Pink Shirt Lady was VERY scary. She got down on all-fours at one point and I was quite surprised she didn't end up doing a face-plant in the middle of the dance floor. We had some minor confusion when I checked my cellphone and the time said 1:30 but everyone's watches said 12:30, but then we realized my phone is super smart and changed for daylight savings time. By the end of the night, Anathema had been serenaded to either "Busta Moove" or "Push It" and I got smacked on the ass with a microphone during an instrumental interlude for "Can't Touch This." We left there, very tired and I drove home to crash at 2-no-3:30. [End Act III].

So now do you understand why I don't want to grade papers?


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