Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The Secret Lives of Parents

So I'm talking with my mother over breakfast regarding the impending move and she says that Dad is inisiting we put a bed in my room when I'm gone "in case a guest needs to stay over." This theoretical guest is, apparently, me, should I ever need to stay at my parents house. Sweet, no?

Then she tells me this story about before we moved over seas when everything had been shipped. My father calls and says "Yeah, everything got here, but I'm going to leave it for you to unpack; I just closed the door to her bedroom." Apparently, it made my dad really sad to see the room full of little girl stuff but not have a little girl in it yet.

On a completely unrelated note, copyright laws regarding photocopying for home decorating are really stupid and I don't like them and they make me angry.

Since the two shawls I ordered are on back order, I got another one today (black with funky beading) and am really excited to wear it out...some place. Don't know where yet, but that's just a tiny detail to be worked out at a later date.

THANK GOD THE SUN IS OUT! My mother is actually going into the pool, but I'm feeling less than sparkling, so I shall instead curl up on my bed and take a nap. Once again, I am emotionally drained and this added to my current "condition" is leading me to want much sleep. And water. Although the dehydration might relate to the 1/2 a bottle of wine I had at lunch.

Go days off.

Monday, June 06, 2005

This says it all

"Right To Be Wrong"--Joss Stone

I've got a right to be wrong
My mistakes will make me strong
I'm stepping out into the great unknown
I'm feeling wings though I've never flown
I've got a mind of my own
I'm flesh and blood to the bone
I'm not made of stone
Got a right to be wrong
So just leave me alone

I've got a right to be wrong
I've been held down too long
I've got to break free
So I can finally breathe
I've got a right to be wrong
Got to sing my own song
I might be singing out of key
But it sure feels good to me
Got a right to be wrong
So just leave me alone

You're entitled to your opinion
But it's really my decision
I can't turn back I'm on a mission
If you care don't you dare blur my vision
Let me be all that I can be
Don't smother me with negativity
Whatever's out there waiting for me
I'm going to faced it willingly

I've got a right to be wrong
My mistakes will make me strong
I'm stepping out into the great unknown
I'm feeling wings though I've never flown
I've got a mind of my own
Flesh and blood to the bone
See, I'm not made of stone
I've got a right to be wrong
So just leave me alone

I've got a right to be wrong
I've been held down to long
I've got to break free
So I can finally breathe
I've got a right to be wrong
Got to sing my own song
I might be singing out of key
But it sure feels good to me
I've got a right to be wrong
So just leave me alone

"You Had Me"--Joss Stone

You had me
You lost me
You're wasted
You cost me
I don't want you here messing with my mind

Spitting in my eyes and I still see
Tried to keep me down
I'm breaking free
I don't want no part in your next fix
Someone needs to tell you this is it

Hey listen you'll be missin'
Out on all my love and my kissing
Make your mistakes on your own time
When you come down you're just no good to have around
Instead of making money you took mine

You had me
You lost me
You're wasted
You cost me
I don't want you here messing with my mind
I've realized in time
that my eyes are not blind
I've seen it before
I'm taking back my life

You tried to trade on my naivete
But the things you do and say embarrass me
See once upon a time I was your fool
But the one I leave behind is you

Hey listen you'll be missin'
Out on all my love and my kissing
Make your mistakes on your own time
When you come down you're just no good to have around
Instead of making money you took mine


Vodka and a packet of cigarettes
That's all it used to be but now
You're sniffing on snow when you're feeling low
Suffocating dreams that could have been
Maybe for a minute I was down with that
But it didn't take long for me to see the light
You swore you had control of it
But when I stepped back you slipped on your supply


Taking it back I'm taking it back
Taking back my life
Taking it back I'm taking it back
Taking back my life
Ain't nobody got no business stressing all the time
Taking it back I'm taking it back
Taking back my life


Taking it back I'm taking it back
Taking back my life
Taking it back I'm taking it back
Taking back my life
Ain't nobody got no business stressing all the time
Taking it back I'm taking it back
Taking back my life

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Revenge of the Sith *cough*

Okay, I spent most of my day lazily reading the novelization for Revenge of the Sith. I must say that Matthew Stover did a very good job. I still like the novelizations for the original trilogy better, but this has been the best of the three prequel novels.

For anyone who saw the movie and is looking for some more insight, read this book, you should.

Some amusing anecdotes:

"Is there anything else? Name it."
"All right, Corellia. I'll take Corellia."
"The planet or the whole system?"--Palpatine and Anakin, p. 279

"Would it have been too much to ask for the order to have come through before I gave him back the bloody lightsaber..."--Commander Cody, p. 345

"R2-D2 was far from the sort of sparkling conversationalist with whom C-3PO preferred to associate, but the little astromech had a positive gift for jacking himself into the motherboards of the most valoatile situations..."--p. 350

"...Mostly, he was vaguely pleased to discover that even in his semiconscious fall, he'd managed to hang onto his lightsaber."--Obi-Wan, p. 354

"There's no way to know if any Jedi have lived through this--but if I had be to bet on one, my money'd be on Yoda."--Bail Organa, p. 356

"You're--you're Anakin Skywalker!"
"The resemblance," Darth Vader said, "is deceptive."--p. 367"

Interestingly enough, Yoda goes on a short tirade about how the Jedi need to change if they're going to combat the Sith effectively, and that is why he could not--he was fighting "the last war," as in the previous one.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

It's All Greek to Me

My Grecian day actually started late last night, when I informed Anathema that I had the urge to write really bad "Troy" fic, which I gave into. Amanda has already corrected me on several things, which I will go back and fix, of course. But the idea needed to breathe a bit before I can do anything substantial with it.

Okay, so then today. Starts out pretty non-Greek (especially since I woke up at 5:30 in the morning!), until said Anathema and I decide to go see The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants,in which one character spends the entire summer in Greece. I envied her for a number of reasons, but mostly they had to do with the BEAUTIFUL scenery and my desire to visit their grew exponentially over the course of said movie.

Then I came home. Parents and I went to the Greek festival in Hartford. I drank Greek beer, ate Greek food and heard Greek music. The Greek men left much to be desired, but that's okay. But I do now know that the authentic way to pronounce gyro is indeed "heero," which had been up for debate in my mind for quite some time.

Is it travel time yet?

Friday, June 03, 2005

"I am no man!"

Well, I watched the second half of the uber-extended Return of the King with my parents tonight. I still like The Two Towers better, but this one has its moments. I would like now, however, to discuss Sam.

I like Samwise. A lot. In fact, I prefer him to Frodo. Frodo has always seemed...weak to me. And I know that's kinda supposed to be the point but...look, Sam carried the Ring too. And if you think about it, he carried it for what...a day, maybe two. By the time Frodo was that far into it, he was all possessive and thinking about using it. Now, when Sam goes to give the Ring back to Frodo, he hears voices in the movie. Were these the voices of the Ring aka greed, or were these the voices of reason going "dude, Frodo TOTALLY can't handle this?" I'm thinking the latter. But I haven't read the books in FOR-EV-ER, so my opinion is slightly...tainted, I guess would be the right word.

This is all after half a bottle of wine, of course.

The CAF is still up for debate. Cleo spent equal time in my mother's lap as in mine this evening, and my father once again guilted me with "How can you take the cat from this house?" It's hard to explain. I mean, I love cats. But Cleo is MY cat, and while I could get another one upon leaving the house, there's no guarantee he/she will be nearly as cute or friendly. Why risk it, I ask, when I don't have to?

Friday Nonsense...b/c I'm peeved

Name:Lady K
Birthplace:a city hospital
Current Location:my bedroom
Eye Color:blue...ish
Hair Color:Brown
Right Handed or Left Handed:Right
Your Heritage:The term "Anglo-Saxon" was coined for me
The Shoes You Wore Today:woven sandals w/turquoise beads
Your Weakness:people in need of help
Your Fears:dying alone
Your Perfect Pizza:White Tomato Pie
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:Move out, finish BEST
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:heh
Thoughts First Waking Up:Wait, it's not Saturday?
Your Best Physical Feature:Um...lower back?
Your Bedtime:10 o'clock PM
Your Most Missed Memory:Well, if I missed it, it wouldn't be a memory any more.
Pepsi or Coke:Coke
MacDonalds or Burger King:Ug, my stomach is revolting on principle
Single or Group Dates:Single
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Lipton
Chocolate or Vanilla:Vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee:Cappuccino
Do you Smoke:No
Do you Swear:I try not to, but things happen
Do you Sing:Poorly
Do you Shower Daily:Yes
Have you Been in Love:Yes
Do you want to go to College:I'd go back, sure
Do you want to get Married:Yes
Do you belive in yourself:What is this "beliving" you speak of?
Do you get Motion Sickness:On occassion; it's unpredictable
Do you think you are Attractive:No
Are you a Health Freak:No
Do you get along with your Parents:Yes
Do you like Thunderstorms:No
Do you play an Instrument:Does the "play" button on my CD player count?
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:Yes
In the past month have you Smoked:No
In the past month have you been on Drugs:Well, not the illegal kind
In the past month have you gone on a Date:Yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:Yes
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:Not a box...I had 3 Oreos the other day
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:No
In the past month have you been on Stage:No
In the past month have you been Dumped:No...
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:No...too freakin' cold
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:No
Ever been Drunk:Yes
Ever been called a Tease:Yes
Ever been Beaten up:In my dreams, and when my brother was younger
Ever Shoplifted:No
How do you want to Die:In my sleep...many many years from now
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:I'm not growing up...but I'd like to be a writer
What country would you most like to Visit:Anything in the vicinity of Europe, although Asia would be cool
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:*shrugs*
Favourite Hair Color:*shrugs*
Short or Long Hair:medium
Height:at least 5'7"
Weight:Not less than me ;)
Best Clothing Style:Perfect for the occassion
Number of Drugs I have taken:Illegaly? None
Number of CDs I own:Um.....yeah...
Number of Piercings:2 in each ear
Number of Tattoos:0, but that might change
Number of things in my Past I Regret:Really regret? Probably a handful.


Thursday, June 02, 2005


1. Yup, I've got a sinus infection. Yay for antibiotics.

2. My mother announced "I want to watch Return of the King" at 7:45 at night. Silly woman.

3. A glass of red wine on a Thursday night can be a nice thing.

4. Inhaling helium and a bunny mask are effective disguises when kidnapping and killing your client's girlfriend.

5. Tomorrow is the senior prom. I have yet to decide whether or not I will go.

6. I wrote a little fic-let and posted it on the OTHER blog. It's SW, so if you're not into that sort of thing...dinnae bother.

When Friends Collide

I just want to say that it's really reassuring when friends who don't know each other seem to get along and have things in common. I don't know why, but that totally made me happy just now.

Tomorrow is Friday. The bliss I feel for that is...overwhelming. I've been very tired this week due to PMS as well as what I believe to be a sinus infection (more on that later, as I will be going to the open clinic tonight at my doctors). I have next Tuesday off (hee hee!) and my mother and I are going to do something, although I don't know what.

I just want to say, generally, that it's, well, not nice, but reassuring (second time in one post, must be the low self-esteem talking), to find out that some of your pain-in-the-arse students are pains-in-the-arses of other teachers as well. The "hey it's just not me" thought. I had to fill in for one of the shop teachers for a period today and...well, discovered that two of my kids are always like that.

Um, what else? Oh, still contention over the Cleo Adaptability Factor (CAF for short). Mother and her co-workers think the CAF will be low, but myself, a few friends, and a friend of my mother think the CAF to be high. Only time will tell, I suppose.

That's all from the land of the Lady. Off to avoid correcting papers.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Sexual Harrassment Training

First of all, this session was a misnomer...I wasn't trained on how to sexually harrass; I was trained on how NOT to harrass people. This is just a minor complaint. It got me out of 3 periods today...one of which was my prep, of course, but I didn't have to deal with my senior study hall, so yay.

I am very angry at my textbook's version of Romeo and Juliet. They changed the infamous "A pox! A pox on both your houses!" to "A plague on both your houses." I know it means the same thing, but some of the umph! is just gone. This makes me terribly pissy.

That's pretty much it right now. Oh! Book reviews. I finished The Boy Who Couldn't Die by William Sleator. Typical teenage book, but it was a little darker, but not in a depressed suicidal way. Now I'm reading Monstrous Regiment at Bulky's insistence. So far, I am thoroughly amused.

A thought from CSI: "So besides time of death, what do our dead flowers have in common?"