Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The Secret Lives of Parents

So I'm talking with my mother over breakfast regarding the impending move and she says that Dad is inisiting we put a bed in my room when I'm gone "in case a guest needs to stay over." This theoretical guest is, apparently, me, should I ever need to stay at my parents house. Sweet, no?

Then she tells me this story about before we moved over seas when everything had been shipped. My father calls and says "Yeah, everything got here, but I'm going to leave it for you to unpack; I just closed the door to her bedroom." Apparently, it made my dad really sad to see the room full of little girl stuff but not have a little girl in it yet.

On a completely unrelated note, copyright laws regarding photocopying for home decorating are really stupid and I don't like them and they make me angry.

Since the two shawls I ordered are on back order, I got another one today (black with funky beading) and am really excited to wear it out...some place. Don't know where yet, but that's just a tiny detail to be worked out at a later date.

THANK GOD THE SUN IS OUT! My mother is actually going into the pool, but I'm feeling less than sparkling, so I shall instead curl up on my bed and take a nap. Once again, I am emotionally drained and this added to my current "condition" is leading me to want much sleep. And water. Although the dehydration might relate to the 1/2 a bottle of wine I had at lunch.

Go days off.


At 6/09/2005 6:53 AM, Blogger JRRyan said...

Hey K--I love that you usually blog everyday. And when you don't, I can go back and read all the stuff from before I knew you had a blog. I wish I had read it sooner because it's totally bringing back all those grand times from TCPCG. It would have helped me a lot to talk to you about it. Stupid me. ok, peace out. Are you still gonna be at this school next year?

At 6/09/2005 3:39 PM, Blogger LadyVader said...

Barring any unforseen misadventures, yup, they're keeping me for next year. :)

At 6/19/2005 8:14 AM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Where are you?


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