Revenge of the Sith *cough*
Okay, I spent most of my day lazily reading the novelization for Revenge of the Sith. I must say that Matthew Stover did a very good job. I still like the novelizations for the original trilogy better, but this has been the best of the three prequel novels.
For anyone who saw the movie and is looking for some more insight, read this book, you should.
Some amusing anecdotes:
"Is there anything else? Name it."
"All right, Corellia. I'll take Corellia."
"The planet or the whole system?"--Palpatine and Anakin, p. 279
"Would it have been too much to ask for the order to have come through before I gave him back the bloody lightsaber..."--Commander Cody, p. 345
"R2-D2 was far from the sort of sparkling conversationalist with whom C-3PO preferred to associate, but the little astromech had a positive gift for jacking himself into the motherboards of the most valoatile situations..."--p. 350
"...Mostly, he was vaguely pleased to discover that even in his semiconscious fall, he'd managed to hang onto his lightsaber."--Obi-Wan, p. 354
"There's no way to know if any Jedi have lived through this--but if I had be to bet on one, my money'd be on Yoda."--Bail Organa, p. 356
"You're--you're Anakin Skywalker!"
"The resemblance," Darth Vader said, "is deceptive."--p. 367"
Interestingly enough, Yoda goes on a short tirade about how the Jedi need to change if they're going to combat the Sith effectively, and that is why he could not--he was fighting "the last war," as in the previous one.
Wasn't it called Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi? tsk!
Did you know Don Henley and Stevie Knicks are at Mohegan tonight?
Interesting about Yoda.
Nice amendment *cough*
I agree *cough*
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