Sunday, September 14, 2003


Aragorn's my fancy!
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You know, I did editing today, which involves the written word, so I really think that should count toward my writing quotient for the week. Given, the work wasn't mine, and it was fanfiction, but I had to look at writing and pick it apart, and it got me thinking. Not with a great deal of inspiration, but it got me thinking.

Okay, for those of you who know my assassin, do you think I should take her out of a novel and just make her a character forever to live in short stories? Because I'm having a lot of trouble giving her 200 pages of plot, but I can usually fill 10-20 with a single plot--it's just that none of my plots are connected. One of Dendera's lines is tickling the back of my brain, but it probably wouldn't evolve into anything that could be blown up into a novel.

Anyway, just a thought. Go Vikings!


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