Sunday, September 07, 2003

Blogger down...blogger down!

I was all psyched to get up and write this morning (since the cats woke me up at freakin' quarter to 6) and then realized my laptop is in Wallingford. Been running slow for awhile, virus notwithstanding. The virus is gone...the computer is still slow. And I know some of you are saying "But, Lady Vader, you are typing your blog. You have access to a computer. Why can't you write?" Well, I will tell you people who are asking that question: because everything is on my laptop. I've grown accustomed to writing on it and find it difficult to write anywhere else. Must be the type-A in me.

Okay, and now a brief complaint about the English language. If you listen to the radio often enough, you start hearing the same commercials, besides just the same songs. So, on my way to and from the gym yesterday (yes, I went to the gym...applause is acceptable) I heard a furniture commercial that used the term "buttery soft." I am sorry, but butter is not soft. It's hard as a freaking rock, and you have to leave it out of the fridge forever if you want to cut it. So whoever made up the asinine phrase "buttery soft" needs to get his or her head examined.

Parents come home today, and football starts. Yay.

By the way, does anyone know what happened to summer??


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