Monday, September 15, 2003


It's amazing how different the dynamics in two classes of the same level and relatively the same size can be. I mean, I know my lesson didn't go over smashingly, but at least the kids were listening to what I had to say. Good g_d, but seventh period wanted to be difficult.

Obviously, didn't get any writing done today. I've got a few lines of poetry fluttering around in my pea-brain, but nothing to hook them onto yet. Hopefully within the next 24 hours, something'll come up.

Thinking more about "serializing" Evangeline, and also about Alan's suggestion to change up my Arthur story. Still not sure how I feel about the latter, because I really like some of the stuff I've written for the "past" storyline.

On a side note, I love being in the "in-crowd," even if it is just something as dorky as website business.


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

Blossom! You are smart, clever, and into school!
You don't have too much of a temper, yet you
aren't afraid to stick up for what you think is
right! You find yourself being the leader most
of the time, and you love the attention and
power that you receive! Keep up the good work!

Which PowerPuff Girl character would you be?
brought to you by Quizilla


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