Sunday, January 25, 2004


You know, the worst part about the hangover isn't the's that vague feeling of "am I going to throw up" that continues all day. I just took some Alka-Seltzer Cold stuff, 'cause on top of the headache and blech-ness, I've also got some rip-roaring sinus stuff going on.

In honor of Bulky's egg eating, I had red meat for dinner last night. Well, it wasn't really red, and I actually had a very small portion, but...I did eat meat. I've been eating chicken for what seems like forever. I'm very sick of it.

I have beacoup work to do today for my classes & internship. Besides reading, I have to do some research on time management/study skills (the irony is not lost on me, I assure you) and prepare some survey questions for a bunch of IB students.

You know, the UCONN library is great 'cause it is so big and therefore has just about everthing, but coming from lil ol' AMC, it's terribly overwhelming. There isn't that sense of being able to just roam the stacks, 'cause there is WAY too much and you'd never get anything done. I get to explore the fine world of microfiche in a few weeks. Whee.

Should specify something about the workout videos I'm doing--they are both cardio & weights. Sometimes together, which is not good for me because I can't get my feet and arms to move at the same time. That's why I liked ballet; the arms pretty much remained stationary. Is that spelled right? Small tangent--lost a pointe idea where it is. I know it made it back from Albertus.

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