Wednesday, March 09, 2005


There was an article in The Hartford Courant this morning about King Tut. Apparently, someone finally gave archaeologists permission to CT-scan the dude. They have come to the conclusion that the 19-year-old, 5'6", well-fed king with a slight under-bite was not violently murdered. The "blow" to the back of his skull is more likely from embalming and the break in his neck probably from when his mask was removed when the tomb was discovered. They're thinking poison, maybe, but it'll be difficult to prove this late in the game.

Also, there was a review of The Perfect Wife, which is about Laura Bush. Apparently, she's much smarter than her husband and, IMHO, aligns more with what a lot of women really thing, but is "perfect" because she keeps her mouth shut. You know, some people didn't like Hillary Clinton, but at least she spoke her mind.

I have a 90-minute delay today, but I couldn't fall back asleep after "The Call." So I guess I'll, I something.


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