Sunday, March 06, 2005

Point to Ponder

The following quote was in The Hartford Courant, embedded in an article by a Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer (female) in response to that moron from Harvard about why women don't succeed like men do:

I'd like to propose this simple scenario: One gender gained the power position and has been really reluctant to share the space.

Discuss or not, but that is this Sunday's pearl of wisdom from everyone's favorite left-leaning newspaper.


At 3/07/2005 2:16 PM, Blogger Tusc said...

I'm sure that most people don't want to touch this topic with a 10 foot pole, but I'll offer my opinion up for debate.

I believe in equal rights, equal pay and equal opportunity for every person - no one over another. In a world where there are more effeminite men and masculine women, in terms of personalities, the gender differences are beginning to blend away. However, I continue to see people defaulting to a more paternalistic society. Perhaps it is instinctual? Even when I was an intern under one of THE most well-respected and accomplished female administrators in the health care industry... where she might have to rattle a cage or two to get nurses to do something, I simply had to ask. I am not supporting this default, but I can say that it can be helpful at times.

The one thing I am going to say which some people find issue with at times is that I DO believe that there are certain jobs which women should not hold. A woman working on a loading dock? Absolutely fine. She won't be as productive as a 6'4" 250lb guy built like a house, but she can do the job no problem. However, when it comes to a job such as being a police officer where your fellow officers trust their lives to you... yes, a female officer will have the same training and equipment as a male officer, therefore being theoretically equal, but the physical stature remains a risk factor when there is a physical attack. My friend Paul was partnered temporarily with a female officer who transferred to Hartford after years of experience in another precinct because she wanted to see more action. What she saw was a 6'4" 250lb black guy nearly beat my friend to death with his department issue aluminum radio over the head. What she did was sit idly by and watch, stricken with terror, as Paul fought to keep the man from killing her and himself. She is ok because my friend, even after sustaining a fractured skull, concussion, and several deep lacerations with blood covering his face... still kept this guy from getting to her. Paul is now on 3 months leave, getting rehab, and has migraines each day. Did this incident happen because his partner was a female? No. Did she freeze up because she was a female? No. Could it all have been avoidable if she had a physique capable of enough force and intimidation to control him? I believe so. I also believe that even a guy my size would have a serious fight on his hands facing such an opponent. But there aren't many guys who would think they could take me, either.

At 3/07/2005 5:46 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Left-leaning? They endorsed Bush and all the Republican canididates in the last election. That says Fox News rightwing ass-kissing to me...

At 3/07/2005 7:39 PM, Blogger LadyVader said...

The 2004 election was DEFINITELY not par for the course with the good olde H.C.


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