Monday, March 07, 2005

On Writing (sorry Mr. King)

If anyone finds a muse around who doesn't make you think you suck every time you write, could you perhaps pass him/her this way? I've got this strong urge to write, and have had it since yesterday, but everything I put down lacks something. My writing, I think, is becoming more and more directionless. Or, perhaps, now that I write with a destination in mind, I'm having trouble getting there.

I'm trying to pinpoint the problems and I can't seem to. Unless it has something to do with all my brain power being funneled to work, but I doubt that. I did my BEST writing while I was actually in school; couldn't write for crap over the summer. Although I did have a good go at it the second summer I worked at Pratt, but that was more from being trapped somewhere for 8 hours with both no distractions and no work to accomplish. I know, envy my summer work experience.

Now though, there's nothing. I wonder if perhaps I need to start something new, because I am having the hardest time with all of my already-created pieces. Maybe I need to shoot for something shorter, something quick and dirty. Poems don't really appease the need, but they come to me more quickly than prose does. I have two great titles for stories with no stories actually existing. Perhaps I need to sit down with one of my million writing books and just start at the beginning, exercise 1, and see what happens. The worst is that it sucks and, to paraphrase Anne Lamott, I hope I don't die before I can change it. Or I like it and I want to share it with everybody.

I think I'll do that. I think I'll start a file in my computer just for these little exercises. Much like the body (I did go to the gym today, FYI), the writer's brain must be worked regularly. Someone make it a point of asking me daily if I've done any of either.

Here, a weird ass thing:

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