Sunday, February 27, 2005

Sunny Sunday, Wicked Winter Weather Waiting

Okay, so I've got myself quite a predicament. With the way this book is currently progressing, I cannot finish To Kill a Mockingbird with my students if I hope to do anything else over the course of the year. They will not read at home. So, do I give the rest of the book to the students who want it as Extra Credit, give them a due date to have it done by, and move on when they come back? This might be the best course of action, simply because I have to finish doing CAPT prep with them before the end of March (yikes, so soon!). This seems kind of cheap but...I don't know what else to do. Brilliant Ideas? I'm all, eyes.

Why will students not do their reading homework? In high school, I had to read at least 1, sometimes up to 3 chapters a night, plus the questions, and all the other homework my other teachers conjured up. Know what? I did it. Sometimes I finished the reading on the bus, but I got it done. So how is asking the students to read 1-2 chapters a night unreasonable? I do not feel that it is.

My dept. head often tells me that you can't force literature on students like this. Why not, I ask? You make them learn science they don't want, or social studies, or why can't we expose them to things that will make them better, more intelligent people? Am I too much of an idealist? Am I already separted from the youth of America that I don't understand them? It makes my head hurt, this part of my job.

The bf and I went to see Constantine Friday night. It was a good movie. As we all know, I have a thing for religious-Revelation-stories. I feel myself to have a pretty strong faith, but it is interesting for me to see or read such taboo stories. Keanu...well, he can't be anything but Keanu in any movie he's in. Kind of like Samuel L. don't watch the Prequels and see Mace, you see Sam dressed up in Jedi robes with a lightsabre. Anyway, good movie. Go see it if it's your kind of thing.

I'm watching The Count of Monte Cristo right now. I heart this movie. It's different from the book, but what isn't these days? Sexy Jim Caviezel. I thought he was hot before The Passion, so I think that takes away the creepy Jesus-lust factor. Agree?

Here's to hoping everyone had a good weekend.


At 2/27/2005 8:49 PM, Blogger Anathema said...

Ok, a couple things...
1)Might I suggest switching over to the pop-up option that is now available with blogger comments? Make it easier on us lazy folk? :)

2)What planet are you from that kids are forced to actually do work and learn science? I ask because I'd like a one-way ticket to there. Trust me - my kids don't do their reading, nor their homework unless I come up with creative ways to stick it to them. And I can tell you what I tried and what worked and what failed, but if you're interested, let me know. Just also be aware that it's not that English isn't important - it's that our students are LAZY. In the bad way not the good.

Want to hang out on the snow day that seems to be inevitable on Tuesday?

At 2/28/2005 2:28 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Hmm I watched Man in The Iron Mask yesterday. Rather odd coincidence.
Anyway, I did most of my reading assignments. I think I might have read most of them on my own time (except Great Expectations. Yuck.) but I guess I just didn't like being told to read. It really ruined fun reading for me. Kids these days have bigger boobs and smaller brain capacity.


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