Saturday, April 30, 2005

Crazy Ex-Girlfriends

OR: Why I Need to Get Out of This House.

The phone started ringing at 12 AM Friday morning. First the line I share with my brother, then his cell phone, then the MAIN house line, which is in my parents room. Lather Rinse Repeat. Come to find out, my brother's older ex-girlfriend was calling. Details are still sketchy, but she was in our house briefly around 11:30 that night, she drove him home from some bar....needless to say, I was not a happy camper at work Friday morning.

It is REALLY cold. Like, fingertips are turning blue cold. I am NOT happy about this. And my father decided that today was the day to install the new attic stairs, only forgot to tell my brother he (brother) was supposed to be involved in the WHOLE project, so brother got the old stairs out, then left to go fishing. We currently have a gaping hole in our hallway ceiling, which not helping the chill of this house one iota. Pissed is I.

However, I did get to go see a very cute baby last night, as well as a couple that I haven't seen in...many months. I don't even know how many. So that made things a little better. But not much.

Where's my weekend going?


At 5/02/2005 9:36 AM, Blogger Tusc said...

Skidaddling might do you some good. As a concerned party for your utmost well-being, I definitely think you could benefit from something that will bring back that extra spring to your step. Lately, I think you have been trending on the down side. Quite different from the Dark Side. It is more like a funky shade of peuce and olive.

At 5/02/2005 10:40 AM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Care to switch families?

At 5/02/2005 1:32 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Indeed. A lot of people go right from their parents' to their husbands' home, but they miss out on a phase in life that I wouldn't give up for anything- or anyone- in the world. The experience fluctuates between being lonely and stressful to being exhilirating and peaceful. Living on your own, you learn a lot about who you are, what you can handle, what you want and don't want out of life. But I agree, do not leave without the cat =)


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