Friday, November 28, 2003

Gobble gobble

So, I hope everyone had a passable Turkey day. Mine was pretty good, although the holiday funk ran into me (or I ran into it) last night. I think it is actually more related to the impending doom that is my student teaching grade and how I am not feeling confident at all about that. Just when I think I'm doing okay I either: a) get observed or b) blow up at my seniors for being uncooperative, rude, spoiled brats. 'Course I didn't tell them any of that, but I wanted to. Oh, how I wanted to.

Also, of course, is the impending birthday, which I am not really looking forward to. For one thing, I'm not sure my mother'll be able to buy me PotC because she didn't pre-order it. *sigh* I will be requried to go even longer without the benefit of Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom's presences.

Feeling fat...and unmotivated to exercise. I think I need to get through this student teaching thing and then I'll worry about working out. Must try to eat rather well for the next two weeks, which is difficult as it is now time for fa-la-la-la-overeating.

Did you know one of the malls in my area has 5 jewlery stores? Big ticket jewlery stores. The bf and I walked past each one of them at least once while we were Xmas shopping on Wednesday. Nothing raises the bloodpressure like seeing jewlery you'll never get to wear :)

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