Wednesday, February 11, 2004


Anyone seen these Chevy Colorado commercials? LOL!

I think I'm coming down with something. It feels like the almost-cold I fought off for about a week and a half last semester when I was student teaching. Hopefully the orange juice and exercise will make it go away.

Spike found a soul and lost his mind...poor thing.

Not much to report. I'm working in the middle school today, teaching home-ec. Yeah, that's right. Laugh. This might be more entertaining than the whole fractions debacle.

The Low-Fidelity All-Star: he was born with the cool, and it's totally natural.  He runs the gamut from Hipster Supreme (only they can ingest as much coffee as he) to the geeky hipster%
You are the Low-Fidelity All-Star. You were born
with your cool, and it's totally natural. You
run the gamut from Hipster Supreme (only they
can ingest as much coffee as you) to the geeky
hipster (Mario Kart, anyone?).

What Kind of Hipster Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Dean Koontz
You are Dean Koontz. You're not the best-looking
guy yourself, but you like your characters to
be the beautiful people. (Why not? You're
still better-looking than that hack Stephen
King.) You get your jollies by putting your
characters into dire situations, but they're
very likely to come out of it more or less
unscathed, and the guy ALWAYS gets the girl.

"Which Popular Author Are You?" (Updated)
brought to you by Quizilla


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