Friday, August 29, 2003

Writer Woes

You know, fanfiction is a lot easier to write in a great many ways. First of all, there's no horrible pressure that you might not get know you won't. And, when you post online, you get instant gratification. Perhaps not instant, but definitely within 24 hours. Beyond that, it's so much less work...someone else has already created the characters, the universe, the over-all just write a little vignette, or if you're really brave, you create a new character.

So why is it that I can't even write fanfiction? I've been getting a lot of praise for this one character I started on awhile back, and there's nothing going on. She's not talking to me, nor are any of the canon characters. I can't seem to move between points A and B. I'll have great ideas for scenes, but no idea how to get there from where I am. That's arguably the worst part of writing: trying to come up with the mundane scenes to get you to your big ideas.

"Gremlins 2" is on TV right now. I don't think I've ever seen this movie or the first one thorgh in its entirety. Interesting that Christopher Lee and the Doctor from Star Trek: Voyager are both here. Go Gizmo!

You are the charming, daring, Holly Golightly!
TIFFANY'S. You are charming, spontaneous, and
fun to be around, to both your friends and
people who don't know you well.. but inside you
are probably a little frightened of the future
and don'y really know what you want to do in
life. In fact, you might often feel blue, or
even worse, get a case of the "mean
reds"! You try to stay friendly with
everyone and close to no one, but you have to
realize that people DO belong to each other.
That is what makes life so firghtening and

Which Heroine of the Silver Screen are YOU?
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