Sunday, August 31, 2003

Reverse psychology

Parents have arrived where they should be and that's a good thing :)

Still no writing getting done. I'm now back into school mode, where I have to read boring textbooks and a more-or-less disjointed novel. To Kill a Mockingbird is one of those great classics, but I'm trying to figure out why. Story is engaging enough but...*shrugs* we'll see. Going to have to teach it to unenthused sophmores in about a month, better put on my game face.

Well, I'm glad everyone is concerned about my health. The boyfriend has started calling me "Heart Attack Woman," which is terribly endearing as one might imagine. His mother, after initially freaking out, said that I should just modify my fat intake for now and see what happens. She's very aware of how I'm not trying to be fat so....and she's a nurse. We'll go with what she says.

Of course, what did I go and have for dinner last night? Pizza. And where am I going out for dinner tonight? A place that serves kick-ass steak. Yup, back to the all-chicken, all-the-time diet for me. That's what I'll be eating tonight. No red meat. Nope. *double sigh*


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