Friday, October 17, 2003

Fri-day, Fri-day, Fri-day

It was only a four day week, but man it felt really long. Maybe it's because one of my co-op teacher's absence but I'm like...nyah. Ever get that feeling?

Observation went more or less well yesterday. Good in that my seniors actually were doing what I wanted them to do, and came up with good yay there. But then I felt like a pill because I hadn't been doing that already. And of course my 7th period sophomores were just insane, one kid had to be escorted out of the room...and well...yeah, you can imagine this went well.

Just had to go find the dog after my brother left the door to the garage open...along with the garage door. Thankfully he (the dog) hadn't gotten too far and was more than willing to climb into my car for the ride back home.

Grandparents are here, so excited. They brought pictures of my cousin's chubby baby. He's SOOOOOOOOO cute.

Your soul is bound to the Second Totem, Luna:
The Wolf

Luna appears as a pair of coral colored wolves.
She embodies empathy, nurturing, insight,
and warmth
. She is associated with the
color coral, the season of spring, and the
element of wind. Her downfall is pathos.

You are most compatible with Doves and Ravens.

Which Animal Spirit Totem Are You?
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What is your life rated? (PG, PG-13, etc.)
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