Tuesday, October 21, 2003

I'm getting better

Well, I'm feeling better about my love life, so that's a huge freaking improvement. And I've now conversed with my best friend 2 times in three or four days. And I might actually get to see her this week. Reality sucks when it separates people.

Got my mid-term evaluation today...B-. This tells me two things: 1) I don't suck as bad as I thought I did and 2) I'm not performing to my type-A, anal-retentive potential. So now I've got all these strategies for teaching and I keep thinking "Could you NOT have told me this s#!^ sooner?" I'm supposed to be writing really detailed lesson plans right now...but I knew you all might be worried about me. Or at the very least you would have noticed my absence on some level.

Now I must go and do work.

Oh, before I go...two things. 1) Indiana Jones came out on DVD today and I wish I had it. 2) PotC comes out 3 days before my birthday...sweet!


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