Wednesday, February 18, 2004


First of all, if anyone is interested, I am currently reading Dracula. I picked it up for a dollar somewhere and it was on my shelf of books to read. The order I put said books in to read has already gone to pot. Alas and alack. Anyway, book isn't bad; a little slow going like all things of the era, but interesting to see where all the other stuff came from, you know?

Secondly, I think I was just very rude to the bf's aunt on the phone. She called to inform my father that the dog had puppies if his friend wanted one. (Side note--these dogs are from a mother-son mistake breeding. How can that be kosher?) Anyway, I wrote my little note, she asked me about how school was going and...then I sort of froze. I dunno, I just could not think of another thing to talk about. So I repeated the message to-be-delivered and we hung up. I feel bad about it now.

Thricely, what is up with the hullabaloo that is the Barbie & Ken break up? We all know Ken is gay and has been dating G.I. Joe for years, but still. I mean, this is getting probably international press coverage. This one little girl they interviewed on TV said she thought she was going to let her dog chew on Ken now that he and Barbie aren't together anymore. I am flabbergasted by this.

And to wrap this up, while I don't want to scare her off, I think perhaps my muse has started speaking to me again. Not doing a LOT of writing, but when I get a chance to do it, words come. It's the handwriting thing; maybe I just need to not type my first drafts for awhile. Okay, don't over-analyze, then she'll stop.


cow- you are very contended with life and the way
things are. you are not often upset or
flustered. people can count on you to be
dependable and always on time. you don't like
change or trying strange things. don't let
that keep you from having a good time.

What Barnyard Animal Are You?
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your ideal Buffy episode by Corriebird
Buffyis just shown kicking ass
Spikegets huffy
Willowgoes all black magic
Taragets a guy
Dawncuts her hair
Xanderis fatally wounded.. recovers
Gilescleans his glasses
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!


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