Wednesday, April 21, 2004

A word or two about men

1. Okay, let's start with the fact that the two women in my house are sick. There was a complaint made Monday night that dinner was not prepared. Well wtf do you want? We're SICK! We SLEPT ALL DAY! Listen, boys, when women get sick, we usually just push on through because there's too much crap that needs to be done to stay sick. If we are THAT sick that we can't make you dinner one night, you can freakin' cook for yourself.

2. You are also an ungrateful lot. Even when a woman does cook for you, you'll complain. In this case, the complaint was that food was prepared with lactaid milk instead of regular milk. You wouldn't know what it was cooked with unless we told you. If the woman wants to use soy cheese, soy milk, soy meat or...well, whatever...if she is cooking for you, don't FREAKING complain. Do your own damn cooking if you want it "your way". Or go to Burger King.

3. My brother was nice enough to go out and purchase gatorade for me when I was sick, so that's a check in the "not lock them all in boxes" category.


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