Saturday, April 10, 2004

A legend in my own mind

According to one of my classmates, it is absolutely amazing I didn't get a parking ticket a few weeks ago when I was driving my father's car to Storrs. I've never been a legend; I wonder if this will improve my employment chances.

Went to see "The Alamo" yesterday afternoon. Good movie. I thought it was going to pull a "Pearl Harbor" and go on for 45mins-1hr with the retaliation, but it kept it to about 15-20 minutes, so yay. More importantly, saw the preview for "King Arthur" again. *drool* I cannot WAIT for this movie to come out. This summer is going to be chock full of cinematic goodness.

Speaking of Arthur...was watching this thing on the Hitler channel about King Arthur and the show's host said that England actually has a King Arthur Theme Park. I SO want to go to that. I still think they need a Harry Potter Theme Park. Think of all the money they'd make. I'd go to England for that. Not that I really need and excuse to go over there; I've got tons of places I'd like to visit (Stonehenge, here I come!) but I'm just saying.

I did workout yesterday, go me. Haieva, my left knee has started making this lovely "popping" noise whenever I do squats/plies and so I think I'll call the doctor Monday to have this checked out. It might be the 11 years of ballet catching up with me, but why would it only be the right knee?

I made a list of all the stuff I have to do for this week, started reading about the Cold War, and almost fell asleep. I think I might be bad and skip the readings for history that I missed due to my past busy Thursdays. My note-taker will have everything I'll ever need to know written down, so I won't have missed too much. There's just too much reading to try and do. Plus, I have to plan eight lessons for a play I'll be teaching thanks to my wonderful internship supervisor. Can't do it all; I have to accept that. 'Course, my procrastinating isn't helping any.


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