Monday, April 05, 2004

Home stretch...

...well, sort of.

Our presentation is on Thursday and it looks like we might not screw it up too terribly. The paper is almost on its way to being written as well, so that's good. Now I can focus on the two weeks of reading I really haven't done and the paper I haven't written that's due at the end of the month.

May be teaching some of my internship supervisor's classes for a week so she can see me teach and bolster that B+ I got in student teaching with a letter about how I really do know what I'm doing. Of course, if she tells me I don't know what I'm doing I'll probably have to sit down and have a good long cry. Possibly indulge the Benadryl-Bordeaux concoction I've mentioned elsewhere.

To recap, did not do a "real" workout this morning as I did not have time, but did walk a mile in my living room. It wasn't a long enough workout to actually burn anything substantial, but I did break a sweat and my arms hurt from the weights, so that's something. Today consisted of a Krave bar w/soy milk for breakfast, refried bean wrap w/soy cheese and veggies, carrots sticks and an orange. Splurge was a mocha-swirl latte from Dunkin' Donuts 'cause I was dog tired. Had a nutrigrain bar for a snack Dinner was chicken w/vegetables & ramen noodles, no spices. Water consumed in excess. Go me.

I'm hoping to get up early again tomorrow and work out before I head up to school to do some reading I need to get done for my history class. Might try and piece together some sort of thesis for that large paper for Celtic & Norse so I can get that out of the way and focus on lesson plans. Whee.

Is it June yet?


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