Wednesday, June 09, 2004

A review & stuff

I got a review in my email from a story I wrote ages ago. I thought it was kind of weird:

From: I think it's spelled sicko()

that was a nice story. but you don't have to be so rude about people who do
like slash. each one to their own. but i really did like the story. that is
one of my favorite songs and you did a good job incorporating it to fit the

Slash people creep me out. ;)

I enjoyed my little cross-time-zone telephone call, especially because it contained GOOD news this time. I'm so terribly excited; we're just down to a few days! I still haven't finished putting together my traveling music (or, you know, even started) and Kelly's bday present hasn't arrived yet. Grr.

Hot for two days in a row. Loverly. Positively loverly.


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