Friday, June 04, 2004

Various and sundry

Well, I think I blew my interview this afternoon. I asked a question about curriculum choice and used the phrase "areas that need to be covered," and the principal was like "Well, I don't like to use the word cover..." and went on this mini speech about how they're trying to expose children to various things and lead them towards mastery. Which was basically what I was saying, but apparently that didn't translate well. It's really too bad. Although if they called me in to teach, the logistics would have been difficult because I have another interview next Tuesday (the day they'd want me to come in), and said interview is right smack dab in the middle of the day.

For some reason, I cannot get AIM to connect to the Server-At-Large, but can get AIM Express without a problem. Of course, there's no one online to talk to me, but that's besides the point.

The weather is actually quite lovely today, and I wish I was outside instead of sitting in this slightly-chilled room. I really dislike air conditioning, except perhaps in the car. I know some people cannot function without it, but I'm always too cold unless it's really hot (Texas, here I come!) and the world seems to always set the AC at like 70 degrees. What's wrong with 75 or 80, I ask you?

Our pool will not clear up. We have cleaned the filter, we have run the filter, we have shocked the hell out of it. Now, apparently, we must shock it some more. The bf's pool is beautifully blue, but they are one of those AC families, so they hardly ever use their pool. I was hoping to take an inaugural dip before the vacation, but the weather doesn't seem to be cooperating.

I have 8 more papers to grade. Some of them are pretty good, some of them are atrocious. Same problem as my student teaching kids--they don't read your comments. The woman I'm filling in for has said that what we ought to do (not now, the school year ends on Wed, but just in general) is force the kids to write out each question the teacher has written on his/her draft, answer them, then put the answer in the paper. Side note: I thought, for some reason, that the last day of school was Tuesday, so I was only planning on teaching 2 days next week. I now have to teach 3 days next week. D'oh!

I'm stealing a piece of art. Well, not really stealing. The seniors are taking home/selling all their art, and this one girl was just going to throw out a whole bunch of different pieces. She painted this really pretty picture of some grapes on a vine, so I'm going to take it home for my parents. I'd offer her money but...I is still po' despite the employment. Guess I need to learn to manage my money better. (I just typed "monet" instead of "money." That's right, folks, I need to learn to manage my impressionists better. ;)


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