Monday, June 07, 2004

T-minus 5 days and counting

That's right folks, the countdown has begun. I've already resurrected the suitcase (which has not seen an airport in maybe 2 years) and have found a carry-on bag. Started packing too. How many "nice" outfits do you think I'll need? Still lots to do, but it's a start.

Went to see "Harry Potter" on Friday. I have to say, I'm not feelin' it like I felt the first two movies. This could be for several personal reasons, including the fact that I knew the story for this one, as opposed to the other two, which I went in cold for 'cause I hadn't read the books. And I'm not faulting the actors, because I think they were all faboo, but I think Alfonso really butchered the plot. I know the book was what, make the movie longer? The kids would sit through it. Like I said on Dendera's blog, I might just need to see it again.

Spent ALL day yesterday creating a curriculum for my summer school classes. I actually think I came up with a pretty good way to do it, and lots of fairly interesting short stories. I'm hoping to get the kids to read, or at least start reading, either one of their summer reading books, or another novel from my collection. This serves a dual purpose, as I want Book Cards for my library next year.

As suspected, did not get a call back re: Friday's interview. Ah well. I'm having really happy thoughts about TOMORROW's interview.

Watching "Flatliners" with the seniors this week. Kiefer Sutherland...yummy.


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