Tuesday, June 01, 2004

What a weekend!

Well, after my craptastic Friday and mostly-sucky Saturday, things did improve slightly. The wedding on Sunday was a really good time, with a great deal (read: too much) of good food. The drive wasn't nearly as long as I thought; less than two hours. The facility was by the water, with six hours of open bar. Broke the unspoken law of the bf's parents' house and stayed in his room over night. That's a big no-no, because we would "corrupt" his nineteen-year-old sister. Whatever. Monday was a picnic at the house with some friends of the family. More drinking (read: too much) and somewhat less food.

So far my day is not going really well. It's my own fault, because I didn't have a lesson plan for my first period juniors. Which is only partially my fault because I thought for sure the librarian would be here to do something we had planned on. But she wasn't able to get here in time so, alas and alack, it was not to be. We eventually went over to the OTHER library to do research, but these kids (this specific class) are not a really good group and tried to get away with a lot of shit. Not in the library, so much, as when we tried to leave. Smack, smacksmacksmack!

Going to see my bestest childhood friend today after school. Pretty excited about that, because I haven't seen her, literally, in months. Sad, because we don't live that far away from each other, but she's been helping another friend with wedding plans so...It's not really an excuse. I don't see her often enough, and I'm not sure whose fault that is. I think both people are to blame. I also have to call/email my friend with the sick baby; I haven't seen her in about a month and a half and that was at baby's christening.

I got the strangest voice message on my cellphone Sunday. ;) It amused me.

obsessive compulsive

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