Thursday, June 03, 2004

Much randomness

Well, I got to use "The Lost King" in class the other day. It sparked an interesting discussion about genetic engineering, creating the 'perfect' leaders, and what not. The first class was more than a little confused by the scenes I chose, but the second class was much brighter.

I watched a movie with the IB seniors called "Waking Life," which was some weird-ass animated existential indy film. Very strange movie. It was like a combination of all those discussions you have at 2 am after you've been drinking heavily. As you can imagine, it was a little disjointed.

"Harry Potter" comes out tomorrow, yay! I watched this very interesting thing on A&E last night about JK Rowling & Harry Potter. The woman definitely has a sense of humor and Rupert Grint has gotten really hot, and I feel dirty saying that on account of his only being 16 years old. I wish I could just brush it off like all those old men who are attracted to the Olsen twins.

Started taking the white kidney bean pills again today. I've been really cutting down on my meat intake, but I need carbs to feel full (veggies & fruits leave me hungry an hour later). So hopefully these pills will co-operate and I will get skinnier. Which I imagine will also happen on vacation 'cause Kelly's gonna whip us all into shape.

Speaking of vacation...what kind of clothes should I pack? I mean, what are we going to be doing? I have this sudden urge to go bowling/play pool/go clubbing or all of the above.


At 6/04/2004 10:02 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

Don't even talk to me about pedophyliac crushes...Then again, I am a guy...


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