Friday, June 25, 2004

These things have been really inaccurate lately

Who's Your Inner Buffy Bad-Girl? Find out @ She's Crafty

I mean, come on...Faith? I hate Faith! What on earth do I have in common with her?

Today went pretty well. One of my students, who seems fairly bright, is completely naive when it comes to...well, everything. The things that come out of her mouth; even her classmates can't believe she's asking the questions she's asking. Sweet girl, though, so we'll forgive her.

Side note: I need to give my kids more time in class to do their homework; I've been overscheduling them a bit. Must remedy for next week; which is a long week (all 5 days...oh no!)

Victor just tried to jump on the dining room table; he pulled a Miroku and slipped off the table cloth instead. Tres humorous. (Did I spell that word right; can't tell.)

Anyway, waiting for the bf to call me so we can discuss plans for the evening. He said he'd be out at 3's now 5:30 EST. This waiting allowed me to take a shower, take a nap, and hang out with my folks, though, so I guess it's all good.

Tomorrow is a bridal shower for one of my high school friends. Eek! People from high school are getting married! Part of me is like "why not me?" but the other part of me is like "are we that old?"

Haven't done any writing or exercising lately. Swam a bit on...Wednesday, I think it was. Planning to take a walk around the exceedingly safe neighborhood I'll be in tomorrow before I go to the aforementioned shower. I found oatmeal to eat for breakfast; it was yummy.

Missing my fellow goddesses terribly, which seems weird because I hadn't seen them in so long before last week. (Can it really only have been last week; it already seems like forever.) Guess I'll have to get back to my Gathering Fairy Tale to make myself feel better.


At 6/26/2004 3:54 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Karen, we want to hear the questions your student asked- it could be entertaining!
I'm at work. I want to be asleep, having the rest of last night's dream...
we miss you too! We were just talking about it and it *is* weird.
Worktime. Bleh.

At 6/26/2004 7:58 AM, Blogger LadyVader said...

Well, yesterday, it was "did you realize bulls and buffalos aren't the same thing? I thought 'bull' was short for 'buffalo'."

At 6/26/2004 1:07 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

About this quiz, what were the other options? Do you really want to be Dru?

At 6/26/2004 11:45 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Who *wouldn't* want to be Dru? At least during the first few seasons, anyway.

At 6/27/2004 7:27 AM, Blogger LadyVader said...

Yeah, Drusilla pretty much rocks my world.


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