Saturday, July 10, 2004

Arthur Rocks My World

Okay, those of you who haven't seen "King Arthur" and are planning on doing so, repeat this mantra to yourself: It is not your typical Arthur movie.

I REALLY enjoyed myself, however. The "knights" were fantastic (much yumminiess is Gawain), and the story had a much more believable ring to it. Our little Handmaiden (Keira Knightly) is all grown up now, ladies and gentlemen; I would like to have seen her character more in the story.

That's all I'll say, don't want to spoil it for y'all.

Gave my students their final exam yesterday. Did not go as well as I'd hoped, trying to determine the why's and wherefore's of that. I might have to count their semester grades twice and their finals once to give them their grades; I hadn't really thought about the logistics of that beforehand. Oops, bad teacher.

Starting to formulate a whole new plan for my next set of kids. This is a learning process, and hopefully I'll have learned enough to make myself more marketable than I am (read: I got another rejection letter yesterday and this is fucking pissing me off).

Worked out for an hour yesterday doing intense weights and cardio. Abs are not happy with me this morning, but the legs are functioning while walking up and down stairs, so that is a good sign. Going for a walk in a little bit. Won't be as enjoyable as where I was house sitting b/c my road has no sidewalks and lots of bugs, but I shall overcome. Definitely need to by a portable MP3 player. Once I have money. Which might be never at this rate.

There's a lot of silence in the blogger world; I hope everyone is doing well.


At 7/11/2004 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Au contraire...'tis much more yummy-numminess to be found in Lancelot. Oh yes indeedily doodily. ;)

But the ending...that's not the proper way to treat a Welshcake!!!! :(


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