Friday, July 02, 2004

I've been a bad, bad girl...

...although I haven't been careless with a delicate man. Not recently, anyway ;)

So, yeah, today started out well. I had my whole wheat english muffin with low fat peanut butter and some soy milk. Drank water all day, had a tangerine. Then boyfriend wants to go out for lunch, which is fine, because I'm hungry. Well, we end up at Bertuccis and, after my salad, I ate 1/4 of a roll w/butter and 3 pieces of pizza. (It was like that pizza I had in TX with the goddesses at that Italian restaurant with the Peanut Grigo). Then went to my parents' house for dinner (though I wasn't really hungry but I'm thinking, hey, it's 7:30...I should eat). Wine, a piece of bread, salad, some lamb, 1/2 a chicken breast, macaroni salad (homemade) and snap peas. And I'm just getting home now, so guess who DIDN'T work out today?

Nothing that I ate today was overly unhealthy, it's just that I way overindulged. This weekend is going to be tough because we're going to a party at a vineyard tomorrow for dinner, and then 4th of July with my parents. The 4th of July at my house is...well, it's like Christmas for most people; we eat five or six courses, plus dessert. I've already told the boyfriend I'm not eating the dessert, but there's going to be SO much good food.


Tomorrow I'm going to post this stupid little thing I wrote in response to a prompt I gave my students yesterday. It's kind of funny, I think. Not a great work of American literature, but good enough.

You know, I think I'm too much of a share-er with my students; they know too much about me. I also still have this sarcastic bit that I must repress (although I kind of liked my quasi-snarky teachers, but that might just be me). It's something I'm going to have to start working on for next week and the next summer session. Also, I think I'm going to make next session's kids do more creative writing, using them as a way to get writing of my own done.

The problem with my students is not that they're stupid; the problem is that they don't want to think. They want me to just tell them the answers. So when I ask them to relate to a story, they can't do it, because if nothing immediately (and literally) comes to mind, they aren't interested in pursuing thought. How do you teach kids to think?

Blogger is being weird so I can't actually see my post from this morning/yesterday evening/whatever. I hope no one was waiting for me to address their comments.


At 7/03/2004 9:36 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Only you know if that portion size was really bad or not, but if you feel you must be punished, I suggest going to the store and renting the stupidest looking anime you can find, and forcing yourself to watch the entire thing. When finished, write a one-page fanfiction on the anime in question. Post it on your blog ;)

Love ya, keep it up

At 7/04/2004 10:10 AM, Blogger LadyVader said...

I don't even know if my local video store HAS any anime. I'll figure it out, though, somehow.


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