Monday, July 05, 2004


It's raining outside. How am I supposed to go for my walk when it's raining outside? *grumble*

Didn't fall off the wagon TOO hard yesterday; the problem wasn't the eating of the wrong things (I did skip dessert) it was eating too much of the good things. I'm extending my "punishment" to a second page, once I find an anime to watch.

Speaking of writing, I've been doing it lately. It's usually how I spend my hour between breakfast and working out. So far I've got about 20 pages of my as-of-yet-unnamed gathering tale (it's a matter of pride at this point that I finish the g.d. thing). It's very clearly first draft stuff, but it's writing, and we have to take it for what it's worth.

I'm feeling almost compelled to start up one of my Star Wars fanfictions again. I created a girlfriend for Luke and then...nothing. There's a couple of songs I've been hearing lately that have reminded me of her (Yes, I am a sad woman, please just accept that and move on) so I think I might need to give her the, college try? What do you say after you're out of college?

Also, I'm supposed to be writing a fanfic about the movings and whereabouts of one Mad-Eye Moody during Order of the Phoneix, but that's going to require probably re-reading OotP. Not that re-reading Harry Potter is a bad thing, but I've got so many books that haven't enjoyed a FIRST read yet. *Sigh*

I finished my Thief of Lives novel yesterday. As I've said before, the story itself is interesting but...well, quite frankly, it feels like I could have written it. And don't think I mean to say that I've got the skills for being published. ;) Now I'm about to crack open...Les Miserables, the unabridged version. Bow down before my intellectual insanity! Actually, I don't think it'll be too bad. I got through The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers; this book is just 200 pages longer.

I have all these King Arthur books that I keep pushing aside. For some reason, I just don't want to read them lately. Maybe after the movie King Arthur comes out, I'll feel more inspired. But right now...meh is all I feel towards them. I mean, the stories look fantastic, I just can't bring myself to read 'em. Perhaps I fear that if I read them, I'll feel compelled to re-start my own Arthur story. But no one wants to be around the Lady Vader when she's knee deep in that. Trust me.

Here are my quiz results; I'm glad to see there is no overlap (and that I'm a woman):

Which generic smut novel character are you? (With somewhat relevant pictures!)

The Obscenely Wealthy Heiress

Poor dear, all alone in your opulent estate, with no one but a tight-fisted, controlling prude of a relative to keep you company. Perhaps you can entreat some strapping young lad into educating you in the ways of the world.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.


At 7/05/2004 4:29 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Hey, don't feel bad. I need punishment because everyone brought in 4th of July stuff, so I had 2 cookies and a piece of homemade coffee cake. Besides that I'd been craving cream soda the other day, so a coworker brought one in just for me.
You're not the only one whose muse is being a freak. Mine has gotten back on the bandwagon for PMA, for which she is actually waking me up after work... just go with it, your muse will be good to you if you're good to her. Sometimes. Hopefully.


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