Thursday, July 08, 2004

One crazy dream

Okay, so this dream I had last night...I was getting married (not a strange dream for me to have in and of itself). But I was marrying one of the kids my brother grew up with, and all my family was there. It was a night-ish wedding, and we had to start late 'cause everyone was stuck in traffic. So everybody finally shows up (to a house that is not mine but the one I am housesitting in) and my parents say they need another hour. Now, here's where it gets weird. The bf and his family are there and I turn to him and whisper "You're going to stop this before it's for real, right?" And he says yes. So I'm trying to kill time and decide to go see the bf (who is living in the house of a family I used to babysit for) and then go to the casino (he & I actually WERE at the casino yesterday; lost lots of his money). By the time we get there, though, it's almost time for the wedding to start (I'm in a white suit instead of a dress; he's in a regular tux), so we have to drive the 40 minutes back to my house (which is in the location of my current home).

Then I woke up.

Anybody got ANY ideas what that was all about?


At 7/08/2004 5:36 PM, Blogger Kelly said...

Not really, no. It sounds a lot like what actually happened at my Aunt's wedding this past weekend, though. I'll have to think about it a bit more.


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