Thursday, July 01, 2004


Trying to write lesson plans right now. This is hard for a number of reasons, not the least of which being I'm not really sure what I want the kids to get out of the story. Wait, not entirely true, I just don't know what the answer is to my question. Yes, perhaps THIS is why no one will hire me; the sense my incompetence.

Went home today for a little while; saw my parents and my cat. I guess she really misses me and has taken to pestering my mother. I should be home by this time next week (I think). This whole situation though has made me realize how much I really do want to take my cat with me, and how that is going to be such a problem with the bf, should things progress as these things normally do.

Appropriately, this was a quiz result I got today:

Ukyou, you'll do anything to impress your love!

Which Ranma character are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla

I should be getting to bed soon, but I'm feel particularly wound up. I think I need to read for a little while and finish the lesson plans in the morning.


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