Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Early morning post

I should be getting ready for work right now, but I wanted to type up a little diddy first.

I have a new poem up at in case anyone is bored and wants to take a gander. The pen name is K. Kofsuske. I'm actually pretty proud of it. I composed it on one of my walks this week, but hadn't gotten around to writing it up until last night.

Was a good girl and really worked out yesterday to a DVD. Not feeling it as much as I thought I would have, which probably means I have to up my weights. I am under doctor's orders to stay at 90 degrees or larger when it comes to my knees, so that has put a bit of the kabash on my butt-blasting squats. Not that I can't do them, it's just going to take longer to do them effectively.

I got my pictures yesterday from TX. For the most part, they turned out really well; I am pleased. Now I must put them all together in some sort of commemorative booky thing. I actually bought a scrap book type thing at Walden the other day; it was on the clearance rack. I love the clearance rack.

Started re-re-re-writing my Star Wars fanfiction last night. Must say that I'm having a helluva time with the longer pieces lately. Give me a 250 words or less word limit and I'm golden, but trying to string together anything that resembles a plot? Forget it. I'm also more interested in getting stuff happening NOW, not building up to it slowly with grace and what not.

I don't know if I'll get around to my gathering tale today (it needs a title; I am the WORST at titles). Mad-dragon has this very basic of first drafts (unfinished) in his possession, so I'm hoping he'll get around to looking at it soon.

Oh, can anyone draw well? I feel like my story needs one good illustration of the characters. In my mind, I have it pictured very clearly. But my mind and fingers rarely speak when colors are involved.

Leila posted on her blog about wanting to go to the beach. I couldn't agree more. I wish I lived on or right near the water. I bet I'd get a ton written at night while I was sitting there, even if it was all about crashing waves and hovering moons. :) It's almost the middle of July and I haven't set foot on the sand. This must be corrected post-haste.

I want a portable, sportable MP3 player...anyone got a kind they'd recommend?


At 7/07/2004 12:24 PM, Blogger Anathema said...

Ok, that's it. You, me, Leila, our friend Ali. We are GOING TO THE BEACH DAMNIT. What, we can't find one day to do it? We're making the time!

At 7/07/2004 1:38 PM, Blogger leila said...

iPod. I am about ready to get a little rectangular tux and marry mine.

Ok not really, but it's an AWESOME piece of work, and so stylish ;).


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