Tuesday, June 29, 2004

The good time I almost had

So, I didn't do weights yesterday because I got caught up in the fun that is exit loan counseling and applying for jobs. Then I got a phone call from Anathema saying she'd gotten tickets to an advance screening of "Spiderman 2" and did I want to go? Well, I still had to go grocery shopping, but the show wasn't until 7 o'clock, so of course we could make it. Right? Wrong. I had groceries in my car which meant coming back to the house before leaving for the theatre and they wouldn't let us in after 7. We showed up at 7:03...

Yes, so anyway. Instead, we went back to my house (I had forgotten my work shoes there) and then went back to HER house to watch "The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood." This movie totally rocks. Some complain that the saccarhine level is too high, but whatever. So a good time was still had, even though it wasn't the good time I was planning on having.

Letting lunch digest at the moment, so I'm going to throw some chicken into a something to marinade for dinner. Planning on taking a walk within the next hour or so (backwards route for variety) and then gettin' down to creating some Scateggories for my students for tomorrow. Can anyone think of some common plot motifs that I can bombard my kids with? Email or Comment Me. :)


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