Sunday, November 28, 2004

I can't believe I'm about to type this...

...okay, so, after seeing Alexander yesterday, I now understand why some women like to see a little boy-on-boy action. Jared Leto (a deep-seated crush from "My So Called Life") and Collin Farrell were always thisclose to getting it on...and a damn pretty sight it would have been. I suppose that's what the director's cut is for. BF thought it was a little too out there as it was, but he's a straight male, and we know how comfortable they are with gay males.

So yeah, the movie was actually pretty good. The sex wasn't the over-the-top thing that the newspapers kept saying. The story DID jump around a bit, and I don't think we got to see Alexander really in his glory as far as commanding goes, but I am ready to go out and buy a book on the man to learn more. Which, I think if a movie does that, it deserves some credit.

Got a whole bunch of movies in the mail yesterday and of course I have lessons to plan and football to watch, so I don't know if I'll actually get to them today. That's okay though, 'cause bf will be gone for the middle part of this week, so I can watch 'em then. Hopefully my DVD player will be back at my house by then, too. It's been at school for forever 'cause I can't plug in my computer and speakers in at the same time on account of only having one power strip. Suckiness, indeed.

Oh yeah, and quizzes! I think they're pretty accurate. Except for maybe the last one. But that could just be my ignorance.

Green Tea
Green Tea...
You are Green Tea!
Strong and very smart you prefer peace to violence
and very rarely take action if it involves
confrontation. But you make up for this with
your keen insight and understanding of the
world and people around you, you have a very
mysterious nature. Many people see you as laid
back and that may be true but you are very
intelligent and make good decisions.

What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-}
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a Persian! You are quiet, gentle, and
loving, though sometimes you need extra
attention and care. Some might call you high
maintenance, but you just need to be pampered.

What breed of cat are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Aura. You are calm, passive, intelligent,
person to quietly ponder in the background
while everyone else is fighting for their
lives. You do not like to utilize your powers
often, making you the weakest and most
vulnerable one out of the group. However, you
are extremely compassionate, and kind, so you
eventually gain friendships of those who the
world has left rejected...You have control over
the wind, and you can teleport and douse with a

If you had a personality disorder, it would be
Avoidance, and Anorexia Nervousa (EAT
SOMETHING!) Overall, you are a very caring
person, don't ever change

If you were a story character, what would your personality be like?
brought to you by Quizilla


At 11/29/2004 1:27 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Boy on boy action. Heehee.

Speaking of which, I thought you'd enjoy the following conversation that followed my telling Marc about our spa weekend plan:

DesertHanyou: where did you learn to give manicures and pedicures?
Arren Morred: Between the front end of Jubilee and girls I've known.
DesertHanyou: nobody would ever be able to get away with telling you you're not unique

oh god, my boyfriend is gay and everyone thinks I'm a lesbian.


At 11/29/2004 2:56 PM, Blogger Likestrek said...

About a movie enticeing you to read, I saw Slepy Hollow this weekend and now I'm interested in reading the book...


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