Friday, November 19, 2004

"You're so cute, Ms. T."

I kid you not, that is what one of my senior boys said to me today as I stood at the front of the room, arms folded across my chest, waiting for them to stop their mouths. All I could do was laugh because...seriously, what do you do in a situation like that?

I went through food today like it was going out of style. Started 5 am, after I'd been awake for an hour and fifteen minutes (whoo hoo wine hangover), with a bowl of Kashi oatmeal (quite yummy). Then, at 7:15 or so, a co-worker came in with bagels and I had a pumpkin one, no cream cheese. By 11 am, I was starving, and therefore ate a salad, a PBJ and an apple. By 2:25, I couldn't wait to eat my nutrition bar that I save for the drive to the gym. And I came home from said workout experience and ate a fat free Berry Bash yogurt. The scale is telling me I've lost another 6 lbs, but I think it's all water weight because I don't feel any skinnier.

My childhood friend who I'd just about given up on called me while I was at the gym. But when I called her back she was working so she said she'd call ME back later tonight. Since bf called and said he won't be home for a movie earlier than 10 or 10:30, I figure I'll be home.

The cat is staring at me. I have no idea what she wants. Apparently, a lap to sit on. Everyone, Cleo says hello.


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