Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Designer Babies & Grammar Lessons

Okay, so they are talking about designer babies on the radio. Folks, they aren't fucking special order porcelain dolls. You want to fix a congenital birth defect? Fine. Get rid of Down Syndrome? Understandable. But specifying eye color and leanings of talent? That's a little too fucking Stepford for me. Thankyouverymuch.

And now, for the even more interesting news: one of my senior classes wants to do grammar. They turned down a movie to do grammar. What sort of twilight zone have I slipped into? What are my students smoking? Ri-goddamn-diculous. So I'm going to teach grammar tomorrow. I figure by the end of the lesson on Friday, these kids'll be ready for something that looks nothing like grammar. Although I might do some creative writing with them later. They said they wanted to write stories, too. We shall see.

Two days and a row now I went to the gym. Everyone applaud my fat ass. Now if I could only motivate myself to get near the weight machines.


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