Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Another day in June

My father is right; we should just hold off planning our trip until sometime in July. They can't make me work into July. Can they?

So far I have planned exactly one day of lessons for my juniors and watched Van Helsing. I know some people didn't like this movie but...whatever. At the end, Van Helsing reminded me of Derek Sagan from Star of the Guardians in a very loose way. This, of course, only made me want to read the books again. Because I don't have anything else to do or read, right? So far, I'm resisting the urge, but it's very tough. Now I'm wondering if Hugh Jackman could play Sagan if they ever made a movie. Not that they would, but if they could do Lord of the Rings, why not SotG?

My new Hollywood crush is Gerard Butler. I just wanted to share that with everyone.

My friend Amanda is writing at the moment. I tried to do that this morning when I first found out about the snow day, but was feeling totally uninspired. Still am, really. I may have to break out ye-olde-outlining skills to see if I can't make some headway on the story I started for the Texas trip that has since taken on a life of it's own. Well, a half-life of its own; it wants to exist, but it doesn't want to do anything profound.

Bulky will be at my house in just a few days, barring unforseen weather disasters. That is SO cool. Of course, this means I have to find a space for the mattress on my floor, but that's really besides the point, I think. I mean, why else would God have given us the ability to make piles if He didn't intend for them to exist?

I'm going to attempt to teach Whitman & Dickinson to my juniors when I get them back. This may be a complete fiasco, but at the moment, I don't want to teach them a book because that's like pulling teeth. Poetry is short and sweet, and then I might have them write some of their own. I've got a few that'll probably jump at the chance.


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